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со всех языков на все языки

key client

  • 1 key client

    1. клиенты (олимпийских игр)


    основные группы клиентов

    Различные группы людей или организации, которым полагается персональное обслуживание в рамках программы распространения билетов, что обусловлено договорными обязательствами или соображениями целевого маркетинга. К числу клиентов Игр относятся:
    • делегации Национальных Олимпийских комитетов;
    • Международные спортивные федерации;
    • пресса;
    • вещательные организации;
    • МОК;
    • маркетинговые партнеры;
    • зрители;
    • обслуживающий персонал;
    • широкая публика/ местное сообщество.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    key client

    Different groups of people or organizations which are given direct personal service by the ticketing program for reasons of contractual requirements or targeted marketing. “Clients” refers to the following Games customers:
    • NOC Delegations
    • International Federations
    • Press
    • Broadcasters
    • IOC
    • Marketing Partners
    • Spectators
    • Workforce
    • General public / community
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]




    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > key client

  • 2 key client

    Общая лексика: особо ценный клиент

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > key client

  • 3 client

    1. клиенты (олимпийских игр)
    2. клиент (сети и системы связи)
    3. клиент (в информационных технологиях)
    4. клиент
    5. заказчик


    Организация, предприятие или учреждение, имеющие выделенные в установленном порядке средства для осуществления капитального строительства или ремонта и заключающие в этих целях договор на производство проектно-изыскательских и строительно-монтажных работ с подрядной организацией
    [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]

    Юридическое лицо, осуществляющее в процессе строительства, капитального ремонта и реконструкции объектов магистральных трубопроводов функции, регламентированные законодательством, в числе которых право и обязанность по организации технического надзора за качеством строительства, капитального ремонта и реконструкции указанных объектов.
    [РД 01.120.00-КТН-228-06]

    Юридическое лицо, в интересах и за счет средств которого осуществляются закупки. Заказчиком выступает собственник средств или их законный распорядитель, а выразителями его интересов - руководители, наделенные правом совершать от его имени сделки по закупкам.
    [ОАО РАО "ЕЭС России" СТО 17330282.27.010.001-2008]






    Пользователь, которому предоставляются услуги электросвязи в пунктах общего пользования.
    [Руководящий документ "Основные положения развития Взаимоувязанной сети связи Российской Федерации на перспективу до 2005 года"]

    Организация, заказывающая аудит.
    Клиент может быть проверяемой или другой организацией, имеющей право заказать аудит согласно регламенту или контракту.
    [ ГОСТ Р ИСО 14050-99]




    клиентская часть ПО

    Пользователь, компьютер или программа, запрашивающая услуги, ресурсы, данные или обработку у другой программы или другого компьютера.
    Компьютер, с которого осуществляется доступ к серверу с целью обмена или получения информации.
    [ http://www.morepc.ru/dict/]

    Потребитель услуг одного или более серверов.
    [ ГОСТ Р 54456-2011]

    клиент (в информационных технологиях)

    Общий термин, используемый для обозначения заказчика, бизнеса или бизнес-заказчика. Например, термин «менеджер по работе с клиентами» может быть синонимом для термина «менеджер по взаимоотношениям с бизнесом». Этот термин также используется для обозначения:
    • Компьютера, который используется непосредственно пользователем. Например, персональный компьютер, портативный компьютер или рабочая станция.
    • Части приложения с клиент-серверной архитектурой, с которой непосредственно взаимодействует пользователь. Например, клиент электронной почты.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    A generic term that means a customer, the business or a business customer. For example, client manager may be used as a synonym for business relationship manager. The term is also used to mean:
    • A computer that is used directly by a user - for example, a PC, a handheld computer or a work station.
    • The part of a client server application that the user directly interfaces with - for example, an email client.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]

    Клие́нт — это аппаратный или программный компонент вычислительной системы, посылающий запросы серверу.

    Программа, являющаяся клиентом, взаимодействует с сервером, используя определённый протокол. Она может запрашивать с сервера какие-либо данные, манипулировать данными непосредственно на сервере, запускать на сервере новые процессы и т. п. Полученные от сервера данные клиентская программа может предоставлять пользователю или использовать как-либо иначе, в зависимости от назначения программы. Программа-клиент и программа-сервер могут работать как на одном и том же компьютере, так и на разных. Во втором случае для обмена информацией между ними используется сетевое соединение.

    Разновидностью клиентов являются терминалы — рабочие места на многопользовательских ЭВМ, оснащённые монитором с клавиатурой, и не способные работать без сервера. В 1990-е годы появились сетевые компьютеры — нечто среднее между терминалом и персональным компьютером. Сетевые компьютеры имеют упрощённую структуру и во многом зависят от сервера. Иногда под терминалом понимают любой клиент, или только тонкий клиент.

    Тем не менее не всегда под клиентом подразумевается компьютер со слабыми вычислительными ресурсами. Чаще всего понятия «клиент» и «сервер» описывают распределение ролей при выполнении конкретной задачи, а не вычислительные мощности. На одном и том же компьютере могут одновременно работать программы, выполняющие как клиентские, так и серверные функции. Например, веб-сервер может в качестве клиента получать данные для формирования страниц от SQL-сервера (так работает Википедия).

    [ Википедия]





    клиент (сети и системы связи)
    Объект, запрашивающий сервис у сервера или получающий от сервера незатребованные данные.
    [ ГОСТ Р 54325-2011 (IEC/TS 61850-2:2003)]


    entity that requests a service from a server, or which receives unsolicited data from a server
    [IEC 61850-2, ed. 1.0 (2003-08)]




    основные группы клиентов

    Различные группы людей или организации, которым полагается персональное обслуживание в рамках программы распространения билетов, что обусловлено договорными обязательствами или соображениями целевого маркетинга. К числу клиентов Игр относятся:
    • делегации Национальных Олимпийских комитетов;
    • Международные спортивные федерации;
    • пресса;
    • вещательные организации;
    • МОК;
    • маркетинговые партнеры;
    • зрители;
    • обслуживающий персонал;
    • широкая публика/ местное сообщество.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    key client

    Different groups of people or organizations which are given direct personal service by the ticketing program for reasons of contractual requirements or targeted marketing. “Clients” refers to the following Games customers:
    • NOC Delegations
    • International Federations
    • Press
    • Broadcasters
    • IOC
    • Marketing Partners
    • Spectators
    • Workforce
    • General public / community
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]




    2.10 клиент (client): Субъект (пользователь или процесс), запрашивающий услуги, предоставляемые на другом процессоре (т.е. сервере).

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК ТО 10032-2007: Эталонная модель управления данными

    2.4 клиент (client): Организация, предоставляющая запрос на проведение оценки.

    Пример - Собственник участка, объект экологической оценки или любая другая сторона.

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО 14015-2007: Экологический менеджмент. Экологическая оценка участков и организаций оригинал документа

    3.7 Клиент (client) - организация, заказывающая аудит.

    Примечание - Клиент может быть проверяемой или другой организацией, имеющей право заказать аудит согласно регламенту или контракту.

    3.8 Постоянное улучшение (continual improvement) - процесс усовершенствования системы управления окружающей средой с целью повышения общей экологической эффективности в соответствии с экологической политикой организации.

    Примечание - Этот процесс необязательно происходит одновременно во всех сферах деятельности.

    3.9 Окружающая среда - внешняя среда, в которой функционирует организация, включая воздух, воду, землю, природные ресурсы, флору, фауну, человека и их взаимодействие.

    Примечание - В данном контексте внешняя среда простирается от среды в пределах организации до глобальной системы.

    3.10 Экологический аспект (environmental aspect) - элемент деятельности организации, ее продукции или услуг, который может взаимодействовать с окружающей средой.

    Примечание - Важным является тот экологический аспект, который оказывает или может оказать существенное воздействие на окружающую среду.

    3.11 Экологический аудит (environmental audit) - систематический документально оформленный процесс проверки объективно получаемых и оцениваемых аудиторских данных для определения соответствия или несоответствия критериям аудита определенных видов экологической деятельности, событий, условий, систем административного управления или информация об этих объектах, а также сообщения клиенту результатов, полученных в ходе этого процесса.

    3.12 Аудитор в области экологии (аудитор-эколог) (environmental auditor) - лицо, квалифицированное для проведения экологических аудитов.

    3.13 Воздействие на окружающую среду (environmental impact) - любое отрицательное или положительное изменение в окружающей среде, полностью или частично являющееся результатом деятельности организации, ее продукции или услуг.

    3.14 Система управления окружающей средой (environmental management system) - часть общей системы административного управления, которая включает в себя организационную структуру, планирование, ответственность, методы, процедуры, процессы и ресурсы, необходимые для разработки, внедрения, реализации, анализа и поддержания экологической политики.

    3.15 Аудит системы управления окружающей средой (environmental management system audit) - систематический и документально оформленный процесс проверки объективно получаемых и оцениваемых аудиторских данных для определения соответствия (или несоответствия) системы управления окружающей средой, принятой в организации, критериям аудита такой системы, а также сообщение клиенту результатов, полученных в ходе этого процесса.

    3.16 Аудит системы управления окружающей средой (environmental management system audit) - < внутренний> систематический документально оформленный процесс проверки объективно получаемых и оцениваемых данных для определения соответствия (или несоответствия) системы управления окружающей средой в организации критериям аудита такой системы, установленным данной организацией, а также сообщения руководству результатов, полученных в ходе этого процесса.

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО 14050-99: Управление окружающей средой. Словарь оригинал документа

    2.25 клиент (client): Организация или лицо, запрашивающее валидацию или верификацию.

    Примечание - Клиент может быть ответственной стороной, администратором программы по ПГ или другим заинтересованным лицом.

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО 14064-1-2007: Газы парниковые. Часть 1. Требования и руководство по количественному определению и отчетности о выбросах и удалении парниковых газов на уровне организации оригинал документа

    2.27 клиент (client): Организация или лицо, запрашивающее валидацию (2.32) или верификацию (2.36).

    Примечание - Клиент может быть ответственной стороной (2.24), администратором программы по ПГ или другим заинтересованным лицом.

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО 14064-3-2007: Газы парниковые. Часть 3. Требования и руководство по валидации и верификации утверждений, касающихся парниковых газов оригинал документа

    3.2 клиент (client): Отдельное лицо или группа лиц, которые заключили договор с поставщиком услуг для аквалангистов для личного использования этих услуг.

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО 24803-2009: Дайвинг для активного отдыха и развлечений. Требования к поставщикам услуг для аквалангистов оригинал документа

    3.9 заказчик (client):

    в контексте «оценки»: организация (3.4), поручающая проведение оценки.

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО 14050-2009: Менеджмент окружающей среды. Словарь оригинал документа

    3.2.1 клиент (client): Организация или лицо, запрашивающее валидацию или верификацию.

    Примечание - Клиент может быть ответственной стороной, администратором программы по ПГ или другим заинтересованным лицом.

    [ИСО 14064-3:2006, статья 2.27]

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО 14065-2010: Газы парниковые. Требования к органам по валидации и верификации парниковых газов для их применения при аккредитации или других формах признания оригинал документа

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > client

  • 4 client element

    1. клиентский элемент


    клиентский элемент
    Элемент статусного анализа, который включает все уровни сервисов и требования, выдвинутые клиентами Олимпийского движения. МОК доводит эти уровни и требования до сведения организаторов Игр и следит за их соблюдением. Помимо обсуждения ключевых вопросов по клиентским сервисам во время визитов Координационной комиссии МОК, они также рассматриваются на встречах с участием представителей различных структур и в ходе еженедельных селекторных совещаний.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    client element
    Element of the analysis of progress that includes all levels of services and requirements defined by the Olympic Movement clients. The IOC ensures that these levels and requirements are known and respected by the Games organizers. In addition to the task undertaken by the IOC Coordination Commission with respect to client services, the representation meetings and the weekly conference calls cover matters regarding these key clients.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > client element

  • 5 key account manager

    1. менеджер по работе с ключевыми клиентами


    менеджер по работе с ключевыми клиентами
    Единое контактное лицо для клиента. Маркетинг-партнерам предоставляется менеджер по работе с ключевыми клиентами для обработки их запросов и решения проблем в период до начала Игр. Во время Игр персональные менеджеры присутствуют на объектах для ответов на вопросы маркетинг-партнеров, обработки запросов и решения проблем.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    key account manager (KAM)
    Single point of contact for a client. Marketing partners are assigned with key account managers for inquiries handling, issues management during pre-Games time. Games-time account managers are stationed at the venues to provide answers for marketing partners' questions and inquiries/issues resolution.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > key account manager

  • 6 key account

    sleutelrekening, belangrijke rekening (bankrekening van belangrijke cliënt)

    English-Dutch dictionary > key account

  • 7 client key

    SAP. ключ манданта

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > client key

  • 8 client key

    ключ манданта

    English-Russian IT glossary > client key

  • 9 master key

    "The key used by the client and server for all session key generation. The master key is used to generate the client-read key, the client-write key, the server-read key, and the server-write key. Master keys can be exported as simple key BLOBs."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > master key

  • 10 клиенты (олимпийских игр)

    1. key client
    2. client


    основные группы клиентов

    Различные группы людей или организации, которым полагается персональное обслуживание в рамках программы распространения билетов, что обусловлено договорными обязательствами или соображениями целевого маркетинга. К числу клиентов Игр относятся:
    • делегации Национальных Олимпийских комитетов;
    • Международные спортивные федерации;
    • пресса;
    • вещательные организации;
    • МОК;
    • маркетинговые партнеры;
    • зрители;
    • обслуживающий персонал;
    • широкая публика/ местное сообщество.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    key client

    Different groups of people or organizations which are given direct personal service by the ticketing program for reasons of contractual requirements or targeted marketing. “Clients” refers to the following Games customers:
    • NOC Delegations
    • International Federations
    • Press
    • Broadcasters
    • IOC
    • Marketing Partners
    • Spectators
    • Workforce
    • General public / community
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]




    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > клиенты (олимпийских игр)

  • 11 особо ценный клиент

    General subject: key client, premium customer

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > особо ценный клиент

  • 12 клиентский элемент

    1. client element


    клиентский элемент
    Элемент статусного анализа, который включает все уровни сервисов и требования, выдвинутые клиентами Олимпийского движения. МОК доводит эти уровни и требования до сведения организаторов Игр и следит за их соблюдением. Помимо обсуждения ключевых вопросов по клиентским сервисам во время визитов Координационной комиссии МОК, они также рассматриваются на встречах с участием представителей различных структур и в ходе еженедельных селекторных совещаний.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    client element
    Element of the analysis of progress that includes all levels of services and requirements defined by the Olympic Movement clients. The IOC ensures that these levels and requirements are known and respected by the Games organizers. In addition to the task undertaken by the IOC Coordination Commission with respect to client services, the representation meetings and the weekly conference calls cover matters regarding these key clients.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > клиентский элемент

  • 13 менеджер по работе с ключевыми клиентами

    1. key account manager
    2. KAM


    менеджер по работе с ключевыми клиентами
    Единое контактное лицо для клиента. Маркетинг-партнерам предоставляется менеджер по работе с ключевыми клиентами для обработки их запросов и решения проблем в период до начала Игр. Во время Игр персональные менеджеры присутствуют на объектах для ответов на вопросы маркетинг-партнеров, обработки запросов и решения проблем.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    key account manager (KAM)
    Single point of contact for a client. Marketing partners are assigned with key account managers for inquiries handling, issues management during pre-Games time. Games-time account managers are stationed at the venues to provide answers for marketing partners' questions and inquiries/issues resolution.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > менеджер по работе с ключевыми клиентами

  • 14 Kunde

    Kunde m V&M client, customer, account; relationship (Relationship Management) den Kunden kennen V&M know your customer Kunden anreißen GEN tout for customers Kunden werben V&M canvass
    * * *
    m <V&M> client, customer, account; Relationship Management relationship ■ den Kunden kennen <V&M> know your customer ■ Kunden anreißen < Geschäft> tout for customers ■ Kunden werben <V&M> canvass
    * * *
    customer, purchaser, consumer, demander, store buyer (US), (Anwalt) client, (Kenntnis) note, knowledge, (Nachricht) information, news, (Werbeagentur) account;
    auf den Kunden zugeschnitten (Produktangebot) tailored to the customer;
    aus der Sicht der Kunden in customers’ minds;
    ohne Kunden unpatronized;
    Kunden customers, custom, patronage;
    abwanderungsgefährdeter Kunde customer likely to defect;
    in die [Kunden]kartei aufgenommener Kunde registered customer;
    aussichtsreicher Kunde prospect (US);
    auswärtige Kunden customers who have come from abroad;
    bevorzugter Kunde preferential client;
    bar [be]zahlender Kunde cash customer;
    eingetragener Kunde registered customer;
    ertragsstarker Kunde profitable customer;
    fauler Kunde bad customer (egg, US sl.), phony (US sl.);
    fester Kunde regular customer, patron, (Werbeagentur) established account;
    feste Kunden route (US);
    in Konkurs gegangener Kunde bankrupt customer;
    gelegentlicher Kunde stray (chance, street, casual) customer;
    ganz geriebener Kunde cool customer;
    innovationsfreudiger Kunde innovation-oriented customer;
    kreditorische Kunden customers with credit balance;
    langjähriger Kunde customer of long standing, standing customer;
    marktbeherrschender Kunde dominant customer;
    möglicher Kunde prospective customer (consumer), potential client (customer), sales prospect (US);
    nachbestellender Kunde repeat customer;
    Online-Kunde on-line trading customer;
    potenzieller Kunde prospective customer, prospect (US);
    privater Kunde home buyer;
    regelmäßiger Kunde steady customer, patronizer;
    säumiger Kunde delinquent customer;
    sicherer Kunde good man;
    sparsamer Kunde economy-minded customer;
    ständiger Kunde repeat customer;
    täglicher Kunde local customer;
    treuer Kunde faithful customer;
    unangenehmer Kunde awkward customer;
    unsicherer Kunde dead beat (US);
    unzuverlässiger Kunde shifty customer, bad customer (egg, sl.);
    sehr gut verdienender Kunde high-income client;
    vereinzelter Kunde stray (street) customer;
    vermögender Kunde high net worth customer;
    voraussichtlicher Kunde potential (prospective) customer, [sales] prospect (US);
    wichtigster Kunde key customer;
    bar zahlender Kunde cash customer;
    nicht zahlender Kunde defaulting customer;
    zahlungsfähiger Kunde solvent client;
    zufälliger Kunde chance customer;
    zukünftiger Kunde prospective client (customer), prospect (US);
    zuverlässiger Kunde loyal customer;
    Kunde, der anschreiben lässt account customer;
    Kunde mit höchster Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit high probability client;
    Kunden außerhalb der Euro-Zone customers from non--EMU countries;
    Kunden in der Filmbranche filmmaking clients;
    Kunde aus der Industrie industrial client;
    Kunden aus dem gewerblichen Mittelstand small-business customers;
    Kunde in laufender Rechnung checking-account depositor;
    Kunde im Stadtgebiet home-town (city) customer;
    Kunde mit Zahlungsrückständen delinquent customer;
    letzten Kunden abfertigen to serve the last customer;
    sich einander die Kunden abjagen to steal away each other’s customers, to compete for the same customers;
    Kunden als verloren abschreiben to regard a customer as lost;
    Steuer auf den Kunden abwälzen to pass a tax on to the customer;
    Kunden abwerben (abziehen) to tout customers, to take (entice) away (drum up, US) customers;
    Kunden anlocken to bring customers, to draw customers into the store;
    Kunden gezielt ansprechen to target customers;
    Kunden anziehen to attract (appeal to) customers, to draw customers into the store;
    Kunden akquirieren to acquire (drum up, US) customers;
    Kunden ausspannen to alienate customers;
    Kunden bearbeiten to high-pressure customers;
    Kunden bedienen to attend to (serve) a customer;
    die Kunden optimal bedienen to deliver optimal customer service;
    [bestehenden] Kunden behalten to retain an existing customer;
    Kunden bevorzugt behandeln to grant special favo(u)rs to a customer;
    Porto dem Kunden belasten to charge the postage to the customer;
    Kunden beliefern to forward goods to a customer;
    fremden Kunden beliefern to shortstop (sl.);
    Kunden mit Ware beliefern to serve a customer with goods;
    Kunden besuchen to call on a client, to canvass customers;
    als Kunde bevorzugt besuchen to patronize;
    Kunden in ihren eigenen vier Wänden besuchen to visit customers on their home ground;
    Kunden bevorschussen to make advances to customers;
    Kunden bewirten to entertain customers;
    [vorhandenden] Kunden binden to maintain (increase) customer loyalty;
    dem Kunden oberste Priorität einräumen to put the customer first;
    einem Kunden einen Dienst erweisen to accommodate a client;
    Kunden gewinnen to acquire customers;
    neuen Kunden gewinnen to attract a new customer, to gain customer loyalty;
    nur sechs Kunden am Tag gehabt haben (Taxifahrer) to have had only six fares this day;
    es mit schwierigen Kunden zu tun haben to meet with considerable sales resistance;
    Kunden bei der Stange halten to retain a customer;
    Kunden übers Ohr hauen to take (skin, coll.) a customer;
    an einen Kunden herantreten to approach a purchaser;
    seinen Kunden sehr gut kennen to read one’s customer like a book;
    Kunden anschreiben lassen to carry a customer;
    seinen Kunden individuelle Lösungen liefern to provide individual solutions to its customers;
    Kunden abspenstig machen to draw away customers, to knock down a customer (sl.);
    Kunden pflegen (fam.) to keep in with a customer;
    Kunden schleppen to canvass for customers, to tour (coll.);
    Kunde sein to trade (US);
    regelmäßiger Kunde sein to patronize;
    Kunden überweisen to recommend customers;
    Kunden zum Kauf verleiten to allure customers to buy goods;
    auf Kunden warten (Taxifahrer) to ply for hire (Br.);
    Kunden werben to acquire (canvass, solicit) customers, to bring business, (marktschreierisch) to bark (US sl.);
    j. zu seinen Kunden zählen to have s. one’s custom;
    Kunden zuführen to bring (attract, introduce, tout, coll.) customers;
    auf den Kunden zugehen to go to the customer.
    Kunde, der anschreiben lässt
    account customer

    Business german-english dictionary > Kunde

  • 15 autoestima

    * * *
    1 self-esteem, self-respect
    * * *
    * * *
    femenino self-esteem
    * * *
    = self-esteem [self esteem], self-image, self-respect, self-regard, self worth [self-worth].
    Ex. Searching descriptor fields for such key terms, e.g. 'FIND: self-esteem in de', can be far more precise than a free text search, eliminating false hits.
    Ex. It is at least arguable that the discreditable popular image is to some extent a reflection of his own self-image, and that the sad irony of the librarian is that people have come to accept him at his own valuation.
    Ex. The librarian's common general values include the desire for competence and autonomy at work, cooperation, tolerance and a sense of duty, and an appreciation of basic human needs of security, acceptance and self-respect.
    Ex. In relating to client, therefore, there are fundamental conditions that need expression: unconditional positive regard from others and self-regard and valuing from the client.
    Ex. How do we manage working arrangements and role relationships so that people's needs for self-worth, growth, and development are significantly met in our libraries?.
    * mejorar la autoestima = improve + self-esteem.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + autoestima = enhance + Posesivo + self-esteem.
    * * *
    femenino self-esteem
    * * *
    = self-esteem [self esteem], self-image, self-respect, self-regard, self worth [self-worth].

    Ex: Searching descriptor fields for such key terms, e.g. 'FIND: self-esteem in de', can be far more precise than a free text search, eliminating false hits.

    Ex: It is at least arguable that the discreditable popular image is to some extent a reflection of his own self-image, and that the sad irony of the librarian is that people have come to accept him at his own valuation.
    Ex: The librarian's common general values include the desire for competence and autonomy at work, cooperation, tolerance and a sense of duty, and an appreciation of basic human needs of security, acceptance and self-respect.
    Ex: In relating to client, therefore, there are fundamental conditions that need expression: unconditional positive regard from others and self-regard and valuing from the client.
    Ex: How do we manage working arrangements and role relationships so that people's needs for self-worth, growth, and development are significantly met in our libraries?.
    * mejorar la autoestima = improve + self-esteem.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + autoestima = enhance + Posesivo + self-esteem.

    * * *
    * * *
    * * *
    f self-esteem
    * * *
    : self-esteem

    Spanish-English dictionary > autoestima

  • 16 major

    1. adjective
    (great, or greater, in size, importance etc: major and minor roads; a major discovery.) mayor, principal

    2. noun
    1) ((often abbreviated to Maj. when written) the rank next below lieutenant-colonel.) comandante
    2) ((American) the subject in which you specialize at college or university: a major in physics; Her major is psychology.)

    3. verb
    ((with in) (American) to study a certain subject in which you specialize at college or university: She is majoring in philosophy.) especializarse en
    - major-general
    - the age of majority

    major1 adj
    1. importante / principal
    2. serio / grave
    major2 n comandante
    1 (more important, greater) mayor, principal
    2 (important - gen) importante; (- issue) de gran envergadura; (- illness) grave
    3 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL (key, scale) mayor
    1 SMALLMILITARY/SMALL comandante nombre masculino
    2 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (main subject) asignatura principal, especialidad nombre femenino; (student) estudiante <MF< I>que se especializa en una asignatura>
    3 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL (major key) clave nombre femenino mayor
    major general SMALLMILITARY/SMALL general nombre masculino de división
    major league liga nacional
    major premise premisa mayor
    major ['meɪʤər] vi, - jored ; - joring : especializarse
    major adj
    1) greater: mayor
    2) noteworthy: mayor, notable
    3) serious: grave
    4) : mayor (en la música)
    1) : mayor mf, comandante mf (en las fuerzas armadas)
    2) : especialidad f (universitaria)
    comandante (Graduación) adj.
    importante adj.
    mayor adj.
    mayor de edad adj.
    comandante s.m.
    especialidad en la universidad s.f.
    mayor s.m.

    I 'meɪdʒər, 'meɪdʒə(r)
    1) <change/client> muy importante; < setback> serio; < revision> a fondo; < illness> grave
    2) ( Mus) mayor

    B/C major — si/do mayor

    1) ( Mil) mayor mf ( en AmL), comandante mf ( en Esp)
    2) (AmE Educ) ( subject) asignatura f principal; ( student)
    3) majors pl (AmE)
    a) ( companies) grandes or importantes empresas fpl
    b) ( Sport)


    to major IN something — especializarse* en algo

    1. ADJ
    1) (=large, important) [city, company] muy importante; [change, role] fundamental, muy importante; [factor] clave, muy importante, fundamental; [problem] serio, grave; [worry] enorme; [breakthrough] de enorme importancia

    the result was a major blow to the government — el resultado fue un duro golpe para el gobierno

    it is a major cause of death — causa un enorme número de muertes

    to be a major factor in sth — ser un factor clave or muy importante or fundamental en algo

    three major issues remained unresolved — quedaron sin resolver tres temas fundamentales or tres temas de enorme importancia

    the major issues which affect our lives — las principales cuestiones que afectan nuestras vidas, las cuestiones de mayor importancia or más importantes que afectan nuestras vidas

    nothing major has happened — no ha pasado nada de importancia

    a hysterectomy is a major operationla histerectomía es una operación seria or grave

    this represents a major step forward — esto representa un enorme paso hacia delante

    he is recovering after major surgeryse está recuperando de una operación seria or grave

    2) (=principal) [cities, political parties] más importante
    3) (Mus) [chord, key] mayor
    4) (Brit)
    2. N
    1) (Mil) comandante m, mayor m (LAm)
    2) (US)
    a) (=subject) asignatura f principal
    b) (=student)
    3) (US)

    to major in sth(US) (Univ) especializarse en algo


    major general N — (Mil) general m de división

    major league N(US) liga f principal


    major suit N — (Bridge) palo m mayor

    * * *

    I ['meɪdʒər, 'meɪdʒə(r)]
    1) <change/client> muy importante; < setback> serio; < revision> a fondo; < illness> grave
    2) ( Mus) mayor

    B/C major — si/do mayor

    1) ( Mil) mayor mf ( en AmL), comandante mf ( en Esp)
    2) (AmE Educ) ( subject) asignatura f principal; ( student)
    3) majors pl (AmE)
    a) ( companies) grandes or importantes empresas fpl
    b) ( Sport)


    to major IN something — especializarse* en algo

    English-spanish dictionary > major

  • 17 teclista

    f. & m.
    1 keyboard player.
    2 keyboard operator, key-puncher, keyboarder.
    * * *
    1 keyboard player
    * * *
    SMF (Inform) keyboard operator, keyboarder; (Mús) keyboard player
    * * *
    masculino y femenino
    a) (Impr, Inf) keyboarder
    b) (Mús) keyboard player
    * * *
    = keyboard operator, keyboarder.
    Ex. Whether entries are to be typed and directly duplicated or put into a computerized information-retrieval system they must be easily transcribed by the keyboard operator.
    Ex. With the searcher as keyboarder, the client need not master the computer system, and both client and searcher can concentrate upon what is happening, not how.
    * * *
    masculino y femenino
    a) (Impr, Inf) keyboarder
    b) (Mús) keyboard player
    * * *
    = keyboard operator, keyboarder.

    Ex: Whether entries are to be typed and directly duplicated or put into a computerized information-retrieval system they must be easily transcribed by the keyboard operator.

    Ex: With the searcher as keyboarder, the client need not master the computer system, and both client and searcher can concentrate upon what is happening, not how.

    * * *
    1 ( Impr, Inf) keyboarder, keyboard operator
    2 ( Mús) keyboard player
    * * *
    1. [músico] keyboard player
    2. Imprenta keyboarder
    * * *
    1 INFOR keyboarder
    2 MÚS keyboard player

    Spanish-English dictionary > teclista

  • 18 confuso

    1 confused, addled, bewildered, muddle-headed.
    2 confusing, perplexing, tangled, confusional.
    3 confused, blurry, blurred, obscure.
    4 confused, cluttered, disordered, mixed-up.
    * * *
    1 (ideas) confused
    2 (estilo etc) obscure, confused
    3 (recuerdos, formas) vague, blurred
    4 (mezclado) mixed up
    5 figurado (turbado) confused, embarrassed
    * * *
    (f. - confusa)
    * * *
    1) (=poco claro) [ideas, noticias] confused; [recuerdo] hazy; [ruido] indistinct; [imagen] blurred

    tiene las ideas muy confusas — he has very confused ideas, his ideas are very mixed up

    2) (=desconcertado) confused

    no sé qué decir, estoy confuso — I don't know what to say, I'm overwhelmed

    * * *
    - sa adjetivo
    a) <idea/texto/explicación> confused; < recuerdo> confused, hazy; < imagen> blurred, hazy; < información> confused
    b) ( turbado) embarrassed, confused
    * * *
    = confusing, dim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.], distraught, in confusion of purpose, indistinct, muddled, entangled, topsy-turvy, puzzled, messy [messier -comp., messiest -sup.], puzzling, mixed up, confused, in a state of turmoil, clouded, in a spin, dishevelled [disheveled, -USA], in disarray, foggy [foggier -comp., foggiest -sup.], blurry [blurrier -comp., blurriest -sup.], confounding, garbled, indistinctive, nonplussed [nonplused], addled, in a fog, chaotic, disorderly, shambolic, bleary [blearier -comp., bleariest -sup.], in a twirl, at sea, all over the place.
    Ex. The nature of the compilation of the code led to rather little consensus, and many alternative rules, which together made the code rather confusing.
    Ex. The genesis of this brave new world of solid state logic, in which bibliographic data are reduced to phantasmagoria on the faces of cathode-ray tubes (CRT), extends at most only three-quarters of a decade into the dim past.
    Ex. Before she could respond and follow up with a question about her distraught state, Feng escaped to the women's room.
    Ex. Without the ability to select when faced with these choices we would be like demented dogs chasing every attractive smell that reaches our noses in complete confusion of purpose.
    Ex. The typescript will be fuzzy and indistinct without the smooth, firm surface which the backing sheet offers.
    Ex. This paper analyses and proposes practical solutions to key problems in on-line IR, particulary in relation to ill-defined and muddled information requirements, concept representation in searching and text representation in indexing.
    Ex. The rapid spreading of electronic mail, bulletin boards, and newsletters give rise to an entangled pattern of standards.
    Ex. At a later stage he may make up topsy-turvy stories with reversals of the pattern; finally he will improvise and impose hiw own.
    Ex. While scanning the area under supervision, the librarian may detect persons who appear restless or puzzled.
    Ex. The author discusses current attempts to organize electronic information objects in a world that is messy, volatile and uncontrolled.
    Ex. The argument for expressiveness is that it helps users to find their way through the systematic arrangement, which is sometimes puzzling to them.
    Ex. They are mixed up as the talk meanders about, apparently without conscious pattern.
    Ex. She sat a long time on the couch, confused, questioning, pushing her thoughts into new latitudes.
    Ex. Before long the teachers were in a state of turmoil over the issue.
    Ex. The article 'The clouded crystal ball and the library profession' explains how the concepts of knowledge utilisation and information brokering are beginning to have an impact on the definition of the librarian's role.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Digital revolution leaves pharmacists in a spin'.
    Ex. Ironically, there are very few who have realized the capitalist dream of easy profits and the concept of a new knowledged-based economy now looks somewhat disheveled.
    Ex. Sometimes cataloguers access other libraries' OPACs in order to resolve difficult problems when important parts of the item being catalogued are missing or are in disarray.
    Ex. What they will not do is clear up the foggy area in most cataloguers' minds, the area that leads to an inconsistent application of half-understood principles'.
    Ex. On the other hand, a distinction that was thought to be quite clear turns out to be rather blurry.
    Ex. The need to control for the effect of confounding variables is central to empirical research in many disciplines.
    Ex. The client phoned in the afternoon to tell me that there was garbled data again in the large text field they use for notes.
    Ex. This research suggests that people are threatened by categorizations that portray them as too distinctive or too indistinctive.
    Ex. He was nonplussed when the crowd he expected protesting his policy of arresting illegal immigrants turned out to be seven.
    Ex. They were too addled to come to any definite conclusion.
    Ex. After practice, however, the usually affable Jackson looked to be in a fog as he prepared to walk to his locker.
    Ex. Otherwise the situation would become chaotic.
    Ex. Empirical studies of decision making have found that the process is more disorderly than described in rational models.
    Ex. Hundreds of usually loyal fans booed and jeered as the tortured singer delivered a shambolic and apparently drunken performance.
    Ex. Her eyes were dry and her head bleary from spending all week totally consumed with work.
    Ex. I had never been to a professional golf tournament, and the excitement and action had my head in a twirl.
    Ex. This site seems to be giving tons of options and am completely at sea as to how to go about choosing the best one.
    Ex. Mr Hammond said the Liberal Democrats are ' all over the place' on the economy.
    * de manera confusa = hazily.
    * estar confuso = be at sixes and sevens with, be at a nonplus, be all at sea.
    * masa confusa = mush.
    * resultar confuso = prove + confusing.
    * sentirse confuso = feel at + sea, be all at sea.
    * ser confuso = be deceiving.
    * surgir de un modo confuso = grow + like Topsy.
    * todo confuso = in a state of disarray.
    * * *
    - sa adjetivo
    a) <idea/texto/explicación> confused; < recuerdo> confused, hazy; < imagen> blurred, hazy; < información> confused
    b) ( turbado) embarrassed, confused
    * * *
    = confusing, dim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.], distraught, in confusion of purpose, indistinct, muddled, entangled, topsy-turvy, puzzled, messy [messier -comp., messiest -sup.], puzzling, mixed up, confused, in a state of turmoil, clouded, in a spin, dishevelled [disheveled, -USA], in disarray, foggy [foggier -comp., foggiest -sup.], blurry [blurrier -comp., blurriest -sup.], confounding, garbled, indistinctive, nonplussed [nonplused], addled, in a fog, chaotic, disorderly, shambolic, bleary [blearier -comp., bleariest -sup.], in a twirl, at sea, all over the place.

    Ex: The nature of the compilation of the code led to rather little consensus, and many alternative rules, which together made the code rather confusing.

    Ex: The genesis of this brave new world of solid state logic, in which bibliographic data are reduced to phantasmagoria on the faces of cathode-ray tubes (CRT), extends at most only three-quarters of a decade into the dim past.
    Ex: Before she could respond and follow up with a question about her distraught state, Feng escaped to the women's room.
    Ex: Without the ability to select when faced with these choices we would be like demented dogs chasing every attractive smell that reaches our noses in complete confusion of purpose.
    Ex: The typescript will be fuzzy and indistinct without the smooth, firm surface which the backing sheet offers.
    Ex: This paper analyses and proposes practical solutions to key problems in on-line IR, particulary in relation to ill-defined and muddled information requirements, concept representation in searching and text representation in indexing.
    Ex: The rapid spreading of electronic mail, bulletin boards, and newsletters give rise to an entangled pattern of standards.
    Ex: At a later stage he may make up topsy-turvy stories with reversals of the pattern; finally he will improvise and impose hiw own.
    Ex: While scanning the area under supervision, the librarian may detect persons who appear restless or puzzled.
    Ex: The author discusses current attempts to organize electronic information objects in a world that is messy, volatile and uncontrolled.
    Ex: The argument for expressiveness is that it helps users to find their way through the systematic arrangement, which is sometimes puzzling to them.
    Ex: They are mixed up as the talk meanders about, apparently without conscious pattern.
    Ex: She sat a long time on the couch, confused, questioning, pushing her thoughts into new latitudes.
    Ex: Before long the teachers were in a state of turmoil over the issue.
    Ex: The article 'The clouded crystal ball and the library profession' explains how the concepts of knowledge utilisation and information brokering are beginning to have an impact on the definition of the librarian's role.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Digital revolution leaves pharmacists in a spin'.
    Ex: Ironically, there are very few who have realized the capitalist dream of easy profits and the concept of a new knowledged-based economy now looks somewhat disheveled.
    Ex: Sometimes cataloguers access other libraries' OPACs in order to resolve difficult problems when important parts of the item being catalogued are missing or are in disarray.
    Ex: What they will not do is clear up the foggy area in most cataloguers' minds, the area that leads to an inconsistent application of half-understood principles'.
    Ex: On the other hand, a distinction that was thought to be quite clear turns out to be rather blurry.
    Ex: The need to control for the effect of confounding variables is central to empirical research in many disciplines.
    Ex: The client phoned in the afternoon to tell me that there was garbled data again in the large text field they use for notes.
    Ex: This research suggests that people are threatened by categorizations that portray them as too distinctive or too indistinctive.
    Ex: He was nonplussed when the crowd he expected protesting his policy of arresting illegal immigrants turned out to be seven.
    Ex: They were too addled to come to any definite conclusion.
    Ex: After practice, however, the usually affable Jackson looked to be in a fog as he prepared to walk to his locker.
    Ex: Otherwise the situation would become chaotic.
    Ex: Empirical studies of decision making have found that the process is more disorderly than described in rational models.
    Ex: Hundreds of usually loyal fans booed and jeered as the tortured singer delivered a shambolic and apparently drunken performance.
    Ex: Her eyes were dry and her head bleary from spending all week totally consumed with work.
    Ex: I had never been to a professional golf tournament, and the excitement and action had my head in a twirl.
    Ex: This site seems to be giving tons of options and am completely at sea as to how to go about choosing the best one.
    Ex: Mr Hammond said the Liberal Democrats are ' all over the place' on the economy.
    * de manera confusa = hazily.
    * estar confuso = be at sixes and sevens with, be at a nonplus, be all at sea.
    * masa confusa = mush.
    * resultar confuso = prove + confusing.
    * sentirse confuso = feel at + sea, be all at sea.
    * ser confuso = be deceiving.
    * surgir de un modo confuso = grow + like Topsy.
    * todo confuso = in a state of disarray.

    * * *
    confuso -sa
    1 ‹idea/texto› confused; ‹recuerdo› confused, hazy; ‹imagen› blurred, hazy
    dio una explicación muy confusa he gave a very confused explanation
    las noticias son confusas reports are confused
    2 (turbado) embarrassed, confused
    * * *


    ◊ -sa adjetivo

    a)idea/texto/explicación confused;

    recuerdo confused, hazy;
    imagen blurred, hazy;
    información› confused

    confuso,-a adjetivo
    1 (idea, argumento, etc) confused, unclear
    2 (desconcertado) confused, perplexed
    ' confuso' also found in these entries:
    - apabullar
    - despistado
    - enmarañado
    - confusing
    - flounder
    - fuzzy
    - garbled
    - indistinct
    - mixed-up
    - muddy
    - spin
    - unclear
    - foggy
    - hazy
    - muddled
    * * *
    confuso, -a adj
    1. [poco claro] [clamor, griterío] confused;
    [contorno, forma, imagen] blurred; [explicación] confused
    2. [turbado] confused, bewildered;
    estar confuso to be confused o bewildered
    * * *
    adj confused
    * * *
    confuso, -sa adj
    1) : confused, mixed-up
    2) : obscure, indistinct
    * * *
    confuso adj
    1. (persona) confused
    2. (instrucciones, explicación, etc) confused / confusing

    Spanish-English dictionary > confuso

  • 19 dirigido

    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: dirigir.
    * * *
    ADJ [misil] guided
    * * *
    = guided, facilitated.
    Ex. Our need is not for guided and controlled instruction, that is to say, for indoctrination.
    Ex. The author reports on the key findings from a series of facilitated meetings held to gather information from those working in and with libraries of all types in Illinois.
    * actividad dirigida a recabar fondos = fundraiser [fund-raiser].
    * base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico = niche database.
    * bibliotecario encargado de los servicios dirigidos a la comunidad = community services librarian.
    * bien dirigido = well-regulated.
    * dirigido a la comunidad = community-based.
    * dirigido a la gente = people-oriented, people-centred, people-centric, people-driven.
    * dirigido a las personas = people-centred, people-oriented.
    * dirigido al consumidor = consumer-oriented.
    * dirigido al proveedor = supplier-oriented.
    * dirigido al público = public-oriented.
    * dirigido al pueblo = people-driven.
    * dirigido al usuario = user-orientated, client-directed, user-oriented, user-driven.
    * dirigido a obtener resultados = results-oriented.
    * dirigido a un sector de la población específico = sector-orientated.
    * dirigido hacia los demás = other-oriented.
    * dirigido hacia uno mismo = self-oriented.
    * dirigido por uno mismo = self-directed.
    * grupo de usuarios al que va dirigido = target user group.
    * ir dirigido a = be geared to, aim at.
    * público al que va dirigido = intended audience, subject audience, target audience, targeted audience.
    * que van dirigidos hacia el exterior = outbound.
    * * *
    = guided, facilitated.

    Ex: Our need is not for guided and controlled instruction, that is to say, for indoctrination.

    Ex: The author reports on the key findings from a series of facilitated meetings held to gather information from those working in and with libraries of all types in Illinois.
    * actividad dirigida a recabar fondos = fundraiser [fund-raiser].
    * base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico = niche database.
    * bibliotecario encargado de los servicios dirigidos a la comunidad = community services librarian.
    * bien dirigido = well-regulated.
    * dirigido a la comunidad = community-based.
    * dirigido a la gente = people-oriented, people-centred, people-centric, people-driven.
    * dirigido a las personas = people-centred, people-oriented.
    * dirigido al consumidor = consumer-oriented.
    * dirigido al proveedor = supplier-oriented.
    * dirigido al público = public-oriented.
    * dirigido al pueblo = people-driven.
    * dirigido al usuario = user-orientated, client-directed, user-oriented, user-driven.
    * dirigido a obtener resultados = results-oriented.
    * dirigido a un sector de la población específico = sector-orientated.
    * dirigido hacia los demás = other-oriented.
    * dirigido hacia uno mismo = self-oriented.
    * dirigido por uno mismo = self-directed.
    * grupo de usuarios al que va dirigido = target user group.
    * ir dirigido a = be geared to, aim at.
    * público al que va dirigido = intended audience, subject audience, target audience, targeted audience.
    * que van dirigidos hacia el exterior = outbound.

    * * *
    dirigido, -a adj
    1. [carta, paquete]
    dirigido a addressed to
    dirigido por [empresa] managed by;
    [colegio, cárcel, periódico] run by; [película] directed by; [orquesta] conducted by

    Spanish-English dictionary > dirigido

  • 20 programa

    1 program.
    programa espacial space program
    programa de fiestas program of events
    2 schedule, program.
    3 program.
    programa concurso quiz (show)
    programa de humor comedy show
    4 program (computing).
    programa informático computer program
    5 cycle.
    programa de lavado wash cycle
    6 pickup.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: programar.
    2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: programar.
    * * *
    1 (gen) programme (US program)
    2 INFORMÁTICA program
    4 (plan) plan
    programa electoral election manifesto, US election program
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) [de curso, actividades, TV, Radio] programme, program (EEUU)

    programa de estudios — curriculum, syllabus

    programa electoral — electoral programme, electoral program (EEUU), election manifesto

    programa nuclear — nuclear programme, nuclear program (EEUU)

    2) (Cine)
    3) (Inform) program
    4) Cono Sur * (=amorío) love affair
    * * *
    a) (Rad, TV) program*

    programa doble — (Cin) double bill, double feature

    b) ( folleto) program*
    2) (programación, plan) program*

    eso no estaba en el programa! — (fam) that wasn't part of the plan! (colloq)

    a) ( político) program*
    b) (Educ) ( de asignatura) syllabus; ( de curso) curriculum, syllabus
    4) (Inf, Elec) program*
    5) (RPl fam) ( conquista) pickup (colloq)
    * * *
    = agenda, programme [program, -USA], programme area, software program, catalogue, programme schedule.
    Ex. The session on library and information services to people with disabilities addressed on agenda developed out of the feedback from various regional groups.
    Ex. Programs are available which generate alphabetical listings, including lead-in terms, reciprocal entries, hierarchical displays and other special sections of the thesaurus.
    Ex. Now that financial stringencies were the order of the day, libraries had to compete with the more pressing needs of other programme areas, like education, social services, and housing, for dwindling resources.
    Ex. In the Internet, a client is a software program that is used to contact and obtain data from a server software program on another computer, often across a great distance.
    Ex. This discussion of present trends is based on a survey of course offerings as found in library school catalogues.
    Ex. Programme schedules are subject to change without prior notification.
    * actualización de programa informático = maintenance release.
    * archivo de programas = programme file.
    * centro de apoyo a los programas de estudios = curriculum material center.
    * colección de programas informáticos = software library.
    * conjunto de programas = workbench, workbench.
    * demostración de programa = software demo.
    * desactivar un programa de protección = unlock + protection program(me).
    * desarrollo de programas = software development.
    * descodificar una programa de encriptación = crack + encryption software.
    * ejecución del programa = computer run.
    * elaborar un programa = draw up + program(me).
    * homologar un programa = accredit + programme.
    * paquete de programas = package.
    * paquete de programas de ordenador = software package.
    * paquete integrado de programas = software suite.
    * paquetes de programas = programme packages.
    * poner en funcionamiento un programa = implement + program(me).
    * presentar un programa = present + programme.
    * programa académico = academic programme.
    * programa acelerado = crash program(me).
    * programa antivirus = antivirus software, antivirus programme.
    * programa añadido = plug-in program, plug-in.
    * programa autodidacta = tutorial, tutorial program(me).
    * programa básico = Core Programme.
    * programa bibliotecario = library program(me).
    * programa cliente = browser software, browser.
    * programa compilador = compiler.
    * programa creador de informes = report writer.
    * programa cultural = cultural programme.
    * programa de acceso a Internet = browser software.
    * programa de actividades = timetable of activities, calendar of events, events calendar.
    * programa de actuación = programme of action, action programme, action plan, operating programme.
    * programa de adultos = adult programme.
    * programa de alfabetización = literacy programme, literacy movement.
    * programa de alfabetización de adultos = adult literacy programme.
    * programa de análisis de ficheros de transacciones = log analysis software.
    * programa de búsqueda = search software, search software package.
    * programa de capacitación = training programme.
    * programa de código abierto = open source software.
    * programa de comunicaciones = communication software, communications software.
    * programa de conexión = logging programme.
    * programa de corrección ortográfica = spelling correction program.
    * programa de correo electrónico = electronic mail system.
    * programa de curso = course program(me).
    * programa de debate = talk show.
    * programa de descodificación = cracker.
    * programa de dinamización bibliotecaria = library outreach programme.
    * programa de doctorado = doctoral program(me), doctoral degree programme.
    * programa de dominio público = public domain software.
    * programa de edición de texto = editor.
    * programa de ejercicio físico = exercise programme.
    * programa de entrevistas = talk show.
    * programa de escritores en estancia = writers in residence programme.
    * programa de estudio = programme of study.
    * programa de estudios = course brochure, educational program(me), school program(me), study program(me), syllabus [syllabi/syllabuses, -pl.], education programme.
    * programa de estudios común = common core syllabus.
    * programa de estudios homologado = accredited programme.
    * programa de extensión bibliotecaria = library outreach programme.
    * programa de formación = training programme, training scheme, instructional programme.
    * programa de formación en el trabajo = in-service training program(me).
    * programa de gestión bibliográfica personal = personal bibliographic software.
    * programa de gestión bibliotecaria = library software package.
    * programa de gestión de bases de datos = database management software.
    * programa de gestión de datos = database management software.
    * Programa de Gestión de Registros y Archivos (RAMP) = Records and Archives Management Programme (RAMP).
    * programa de gestión documental = information retrieval software.
    * programa de gestión financiera = cash management package, cash management software.
    * programa de grabación en CD = burning software.
    * programa de humor = comedy programme.
    * programa de imitación = mimicry software.
    * programa de inserción social = Head Start program.
    * programa de intercambio = exchange programme.
    * programa de introducción a la biblioteca = library training programme.
    * programa de inversiones = investment program(me).
    * programa de investigación = research agenda.
    * programa + dejar de funcionar = programme + crash.
    * programa de la asignatura = learning program(me).
    * programa del congreso = conference programme.
    * programa del curso = course syllabus.
    * programa de lectura = reading programme.
    * programa de marketing = marketing programme.
    * programa de mayor audiencia = prime time show, prime time programme.
    * programa de medición de los recursos usados = metering software.
    * programa de montaje de aplicaciones = software packager.
    * programa de navegación por las redes = network navigator.
    * programa de noticias = news programme.
    * programa de ordenador = computer programme.
    * programa de orientación = orientation programme.
    * programa de orientación bibliográfica = bibliographic instruction program(me).
    * programa de prácticas en la empresa = internship program(me), internship.
    * programa de protección = protection program(me), software protection program(me).
    * programa de prueba beta = beta test programme.
    * programa de radio = radio broadcast, radio programme, radio show.
    * programa de televisión = television programme, television broadcast, television show, TV show.
    * programa de trabajo = work schedule.
    * programa de trabajo como interno residente = residency programme, residency.
    * programa de utilidades = utilities.
    * programa de viaje = travel plan.
    * programa didáctico = courseware.
    * programa educativo = educational program(me), education programme, instructional programme, learning program(me).
    * programa electoral = ticket.
    * programa en CD-ROM = CD-ROM software.
    * programa ensamblador = assembler program.
    * programa filtro = filtering software.
    * programa fuente = source programme.
    * programa fundamental = Core Programme.
    * programa gratuito = user-supported software.
    * programa informático = computer programme, software system, computer application.
    * programa informático comercial = off-the-shelf software, turnkey system, turnkey software system, pre-written software, commercial application.
    * programa informático con mantenimiento incluido = supported software.
    * programa informático hecho por encargo = tailor-made software.
    * programa integrado de gestión de bibliotecas = integrated library system (ILS), integrated library management system (ILMS).
    * programa intensivo = crash program(me).
    * programa maligno = malware, malicious software.
    * programa mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa = sandwich programme.
    * programa MOO (multiusuarios y orientado a objetos) = MOO (Multi-user Object Oriented) software.
    * Programa Mundial de Alimentos, el = World Food Programme, the.
    * Programa Nacional para las Adquisiciones y la Catalogación (NPAC) = National Program for Acquisitions and Cataloging (NPAC).
    * Programa Nacional para las Publicaciones Seriadas (NSDP) = National Serials Data Program (NSDP).
    * programa nuclear = nuclear programme.
    * programa objeto = object program(me).
    * programa para descifrar contraseñas = password cracking programme.
    * programa para el aprendizaje de idiomas = language-learning sofware.
    * programa para inventariar = inventory program.
    * programa personalizado = tailor-made software.
    * programa piloto = pilot program(me).
    * Programa Piloto sobre Discos Opticos = Optical Disc Pilot Program.
    * programa político = ticket.
    * programa presidencial = presidential programme.
    * programa principal = Core Programme.
    * programa puente = interface.
    * programa que se añade = add-on pack.
    * programa respiro = respite care.
    * programas básicos = basic software.
    * programas comerciales = commercial software.
    * programas de acceso = access software.
    * programas de alfabetización = literacy promotion.
    * programas de automatización de bibliotecas = library automation software.
    * programas de estudios = syllabi.
    * programas de recuperación = retrieval software.
    * programas de software libre = freeware.
    * programas distribuidos por el autor = shareware.
    * programa servidor = server software program.
    * programas espía = spyware.
    * programas espía de anuncios = adware.
    * programas HyperCard = HyperCard software.
    * programas informáticos = software, computer software.
    * programas informáticos comerciales = commercial software.
    * programas intermedios = middleware.
    * programas malignos = badware.
    * programa social = social program(me).
    * programas para la gestión de mapas = map software.
    * programas televisivos de entretenimiento = entertainment television.
    * promover un programa = launch + program(me).
    * tecla de función del programa = programme function key.
    * un paquete integrado de programas = a suite of + programmes.
    * * *
    a) (Rad, TV) program*

    programa doble — (Cin) double bill, double feature

    b) ( folleto) program*
    2) (programación, plan) program*

    eso no estaba en el programa! — (fam) that wasn't part of the plan! (colloq)

    a) ( político) program*
    b) (Educ) ( de asignatura) syllabus; ( de curso) curriculum, syllabus
    4) (Inf, Elec) program*
    5) (RPl fam) ( conquista) pickup (colloq)
    * * *
    = agenda, programme [program, -USA], programme area, software program, catalogue, programme schedule.

    Ex: The session on library and information services to people with disabilities addressed on agenda developed out of the feedback from various regional groups.

    Ex: Programs are available which generate alphabetical listings, including lead-in terms, reciprocal entries, hierarchical displays and other special sections of the thesaurus.
    Ex: Now that financial stringencies were the order of the day, libraries had to compete with the more pressing needs of other programme areas, like education, social services, and housing, for dwindling resources.
    Ex: In the Internet, a client is a software program that is used to contact and obtain data from a server software program on another computer, often across a great distance.
    Ex: This discussion of present trends is based on a survey of course offerings as found in library school catalogues.
    Ex: Programme schedules are subject to change without prior notification.
    * actualización de programa informático = maintenance release.
    * archivo de programas = programme file.
    * centro de apoyo a los programas de estudios = curriculum material center.
    * colección de programas informáticos = software library.
    * conjunto de programas = workbench, workbench.
    * demostración de programa = software demo.
    * desactivar un programa de protección = unlock + protection program(me).
    * desarrollo de programas = software development.
    * descodificar una programa de encriptación = crack + encryption software.
    * ejecución del programa = computer run.
    * elaborar un programa = draw up + program(me).
    * homologar un programa = accredit + programme.
    * paquete de programas = package.
    * paquete de programas de ordenador = software package.
    * paquete integrado de programas = software suite.
    * paquetes de programas = programme packages.
    * poner en funcionamiento un programa = implement + program(me).
    * presentar un programa = present + programme.
    * programa académico = academic programme.
    * programa acelerado = crash program(me).
    * programa antivirus = antivirus software, antivirus programme.
    * programa añadido = plug-in program, plug-in.
    * programa autodidacta = tutorial, tutorial program(me).
    * programa básico = Core Programme.
    * programa bibliotecario = library program(me).
    * programa cliente = browser software, browser.
    * programa compilador = compiler.
    * programa creador de informes = report writer.
    * programa cultural = cultural programme.
    * programa de acceso a Internet = browser software.
    * programa de actividades = timetable of activities, calendar of events, events calendar.
    * programa de actuación = programme of action, action programme, action plan, operating programme.
    * programa de adultos = adult programme.
    * programa de alfabetización = literacy programme, literacy movement.
    * programa de alfabetización de adultos = adult literacy programme.
    * programa de análisis de ficheros de transacciones = log analysis software.
    * programa de búsqueda = search software, search software package.
    * programa de capacitación = training programme.
    * programa de código abierto = open source software.
    * programa de comunicaciones = communication software, communications software.
    * programa de conexión = logging programme.
    * programa de corrección ortográfica = spelling correction program.
    * programa de correo electrónico = electronic mail system.
    * programa de curso = course program(me).
    * programa de debate = talk show.
    * programa de descodificación = cracker.
    * programa de dinamización bibliotecaria = library outreach programme.
    * programa de doctorado = doctoral program(me), doctoral degree programme.
    * programa de dominio público = public domain software.
    * programa de edición de texto = editor.
    * programa de ejercicio físico = exercise programme.
    * programa de entrevistas = talk show.
    * programa de escritores en estancia = writers in residence programme.
    * programa de estudio = programme of study.
    * programa de estudios = course brochure, educational program(me), school program(me), study program(me), syllabus [syllabi/syllabuses, -pl.], education programme.
    * programa de estudios común = common core syllabus.
    * programa de estudios homologado = accredited programme.
    * programa de extensión bibliotecaria = library outreach programme.
    * programa de formación = training programme, training scheme, instructional programme.
    * programa de formación en el trabajo = in-service training program(me).
    * programa de gestión bibliográfica personal = personal bibliographic software.
    * programa de gestión bibliotecaria = library software package.
    * programa de gestión de bases de datos = database management software.
    * programa de gestión de datos = database management software.
    * Programa de Gestión de Registros y Archivos (RAMP) = Records and Archives Management Programme (RAMP).
    * programa de gestión documental = information retrieval software.
    * programa de gestión financiera = cash management package, cash management software.
    * programa de grabación en CD = burning software.
    * programa de humor = comedy programme.
    * programa de imitación = mimicry software.
    * programa de inserción social = Head Start program.
    * programa de intercambio = exchange programme.
    * programa de introducción a la biblioteca = library training programme.
    * programa de inversiones = investment program(me).
    * programa de investigación = research agenda.
    * programa + dejar de funcionar = programme + crash.
    * programa de la asignatura = learning program(me).
    * programa del congreso = conference programme.
    * programa del curso = course syllabus.
    * programa de lectura = reading programme.
    * programa de marketing = marketing programme.
    * programa de mayor audiencia = prime time show, prime time programme.
    * programa de medición de los recursos usados = metering software.
    * programa de montaje de aplicaciones = software packager.
    * programa de navegación por las redes = network navigator.
    * programa de noticias = news programme.
    * programa de ordenador = computer programme.
    * programa de orientación = orientation programme.
    * programa de orientación bibliográfica = bibliographic instruction program(me).
    * programa de prácticas en la empresa = internship program(me), internship.
    * programa de protección = protection program(me), software protection program(me).
    * programa de prueba beta = beta test programme.
    * programa de radio = radio broadcast, radio programme, radio show.
    * programa de televisión = television programme, television broadcast, television show, TV show.
    * programa de trabajo = work schedule.
    * programa de trabajo como interno residente = residency programme, residency.
    * programa de utilidades = utilities.
    * programa de viaje = travel plan.
    * programa didáctico = courseware.
    * programa educativo = educational program(me), education programme, instructional programme, learning program(me).
    * programa electoral = ticket.
    * programa en CD-ROM = CD-ROM software.
    * programa ensamblador = assembler program.
    * programa filtro = filtering software.
    * programa fuente = source programme.
    * programa fundamental = Core Programme.
    * programa gratuito = user-supported software.
    * programa informático = computer programme, software system, computer application.
    * programa informático comercial = off-the-shelf software, turnkey system, turnkey software system, pre-written software, commercial application.
    * programa informático con mantenimiento incluido = supported software.
    * programa informático hecho por encargo = tailor-made software.
    * programa integrado de gestión de bibliotecas = integrated library system (ILS), integrated library management system (ILMS).
    * programa intensivo = crash program(me).
    * programa maligno = malware, malicious software.
    * programa mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa = sandwich programme.
    * programa MOO (multiusuarios y orientado a objetos) = MOO (Multi-user Object Oriented) software.
    * Programa Mundial de Alimentos, el = World Food Programme, the.
    * Programa Nacional para las Adquisiciones y la Catalogación (NPAC) = National Program for Acquisitions and Cataloging (NPAC).
    * Programa Nacional para las Publicaciones Seriadas (NSDP) = National Serials Data Program (NSDP).
    * programa nuclear = nuclear programme.
    * programa objeto = object program(me).
    * programa para descifrar contraseñas = password cracking programme.
    * programa para el aprendizaje de idiomas = language-learning sofware.
    * programa para inventariar = inventory program.
    * programa personalizado = tailor-made software.
    * programa piloto = pilot program(me).
    * Programa Piloto sobre Discos Opticos = Optical Disc Pilot Program.
    * programa político = ticket.
    * programa presidencial = presidential programme.
    * programa principal = Core Programme.
    * programa puente = interface.
    * programa que se añade = add-on pack.
    * programa respiro = respite care.
    * programas básicos = basic software.
    * programas comerciales = commercial software.
    * programas de acceso = access software.
    * programas de alfabetización = literacy promotion.
    * programas de automatización de bibliotecas = library automation software.
    * programas de estudios = syllabi.
    * programas de recuperación = retrieval software.
    * programas de software libre = freeware.
    * programas distribuidos por el autor = shareware.
    * programa servidor = server software program.
    * programas espía = spyware.
    * programas espía de anuncios = adware.
    * programas HyperCard = HyperCard software.
    * programas informáticos = software, computer software.
    * programas informáticos comerciales = commercial software.
    * programas intermedios = middleware.
    * programas malignos = badware.
    * programa social = social program(me).
    * programas para la gestión de mapas = map software.
    * programas televisivos de entretenimiento = entertainment television.
    * promover un programa = launch + program(me).
    * tecla de función del programa = programme function key.
    * un paquete integrado de programas = a suite of + programmes.

    * * *
    1 ( Rad, TV) program*
    programa doble ( Cin) double bill, double feature
    quiz show
    talk show, chat show ( BrE)
    B (programación, plan) program*
    tuvo un programa de visitas muy apretado he had a very tight program o schedule
    el que viniera con su madre no estaba en el programa ( hum); I hadn't bargained on her mother coming along with her, it wasn't part of the plan for her to bring her mother
    me toca quedarme con los niños ¡mira qué programa! ( iró); I have to stay at home and mind the kids … what a wonderful prospect! ( iro)
    no tengo programa para mañana I don't have anything planned o ( colloq) I've nothing on tomorrow
    1 (de medidas) program*
    su programa electoral their election manifesto
    2 ( Educ) (de una materia) syllabus; (de un curso) curriculum, syllabus
    1 ( Inf) program*
    2 ( Elec) program*
    ( Inf) spyware
    source program
    E ( RPl fam) (conquista) pickup ( colloq), bit of stuff ( BrE colloq)
    * * *


    Del verbo programar: ( conjugate programar)

    programa es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    programa sustantivo masculino
    a) (Rad, TV) program( conjugate program);

    programa de entrevistas chat show
    b) ( folleto) program( conjugate program)

    2 (programación, plan) program( conjugate program)
    a) ( político) program( conjugate program);

    b) (Educ) ( de asignatura) syllabus;

    ( de curso) curriculum, syllabus
    4 (Inf, Elec) program( conjugate program)
    programar ( conjugate programar) verbo transitivo
    a) (Rad, TV) to schedule

    b)actividades/eventos to plan, draw up a program( conjugate program) for;

    horario/fecha to schedule, program( conjugate program);
    viaje› to organize
    c) (Transp) ‹llegadas/salidas to schedule, timetable (BrE)

    2 (Inf) to program
    programa sustantivo masculino
    1 (de radio, televisión) programme
    programa concurso, quiz show
    2 (plan, proyecto) programme, schedule
    programa electoral, election manifesto
    3 (de estudios) curriculum
    4 Inform program
    Recuerda que en Estados Unidos se escribe program, mientras que los británicos prefieren la grafía programme, a menos que se trate de un programa informático.
    programar verbo transitivo
    1 (actividades, eventos) to programme, draw up a programme for: han programado un ciclo de cine portugués, they've programmed a series of Portuguese films
    2 (un aparato) to set, programme: no sé programar el vídeo, I don't know how to program the VCR
    3 (radio, televisión) to schedule
    (medios de transporte, entradas/salidas) to schedule, timetable
    4 Inform to program
    ' programa' also found in these entries:
    - informática
    - informático
    - interactivo
    - intermedia
    - intermedio
    - ofensa
    - presentar
    - presentación
    - ribete
    - sintonía
    - suspender
    - agenda
    - ágil
    - amplio
    - animador
    - animar
    - apretado
    - audiencia
    - azafata
    - calendario
    - conducción
    - conducir
    - conductor
    - consagrar
    - cortar
    - delinear
    - didáctico
    - documental
    - echar
    - educativo
    - emisión
    - emitir
    - enlatado
    - espacio
    - fascinar
    - infantil
    - informativo
    - instalar
    - mirar
    - nacional
    - noticia
    - piloto
    - plan
    - poner
    - popular
    - recargar
    - repetición
    - repetir
    - transmisión
    - austerity
    - bootleg
    - chat show
    - close
    - computer program
    - fluff
    - hand-out
    - informative
    - intercultural
    - introduce
    - introduction
    - live
    - manifesto
    - master
    - news programme
    - overrun
    - phone-in
    - pilot programme
    - platform
    - prerecord
    - present
    - program
    - programme
    - rehearsal
    - run
    - run over
    - schedule
    - screen
    - shorten
    - show
    - special
    - support
    - switch off
    - syllabus
    - talk-show
    - television programme
    - bill
    - blue
    - broadcast
    - chat
    - credit
    - curriculum
    - flag
    - further
    - game
    - look
    - magazine
    - Medicaid
    - Medicare
    * * *
    1. [de radio, televisión] programme
    programa concurso game show;
    2. [de lavadora, lavavajillas] cycle
    programa de lavado wash cycle
    3. [proyecto] programme
    programa de creación de empleo job creation scheme;
    programa espacial space programme;
    programa de intercambio exchange (programme)
    4. [folleto] programme
    programa de mano programme
    5. [de actividades] schedule, programme;
    ¿cuál es el programa para esta tarde? [¿qué hacemos?] what's the plan for this afternoon?;
    la tormenta no estaba en el programa the storm wasn't part of the programme, the storm wasn't supposed to happen
    programa de fiestas programme of events [during annual town festival]
    6. [de curso, asignatura] syllabus
    7. Informát program
    programa de maquetación page layout program
    8. programa libre [en patinaje artístico] free skating
    9. RP Fam [ligue] pick-up;
    empezaron a llegar, cada uno con su programa they began to arrive, each with his or her pick-up
    * * *
    1 TV, RAD program, Br
    programa de mano de concierto program, Br programme
    2 INFOR program
    3 EDU syllabus, curriculum
    * * *
    1) : program
    2) : plan
    programa de estudios : curriculum
    * * *
    1. (de televisión, radio) programme
    ¿cuál es tu programa preferido? what's your favourite programme?
    2. (de ordenador) program
    3. (de asignatura) syllabus

    Spanish-English dictionary > programa

См. также в других словарях:

  • Key server (software licensing) — Key server for software licensing is a colloquial or generic description that refers to a centralized computer software system which provides tokens, or keys, to client computers in order to enable licensed software to run on them.In 1989,… …   Wikipedia

  • Client-side encryption — is the cryptographic technique of encrypting data before it is transmitted to a server in a computer network. Usually, encryption is performed with a key that is not known to the server. Consequently, the service provider is unable to decrypt the …   Wikipedia

  • Client Access License — A Client Access License ( CAL ) is a proprietary software license distributed by software companies such as Microsoft to allow clients to connect to its server software and use the software s services. Contents 1 Software licensing introduction 2 …   Wikipedia

  • Key server (cryptographic) — In computer security, a key server is a computer mdash; typically running special software mdash; which provides cryptographic keys to users or other programs. The users programs can be working on the same network as the key server or on another… …   Wikipedia

  • Key distribution — In symmetric key cryptography, both parties must possess a secret key which they must exchange prior to using any encryption. Distribution of secret keys has been problematic until recently, because it involved face to face meeting, use of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Key distribution center — In cryptography, a key distribution center (KDC) is part of a cryptosystem intended to reduce the risks inherent in exchanging keys. KDCs often operate in systems within which some users may have permission to use certain services at some times… …   Wikipedia

  • Key Experience Indicator — A Key Experience Indicator, or KEI is an important indicator of the end user s experience of a product, service or application. A subclass of KPI. It is a term first coined by Agilent to refer to a measurement made from a client side device such… …   Wikipedia

  • key account — / ki: əˌkaυnt/ noun an important account or client, e.g. of an advertising agency …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • Gold Key — In fiction, a gold key is a special token granting access to and control of a mythical or ultra private or secret bank account or vault, such as a Swiss bank account. In reality, the key is often a code word and accounts are not completely… …   Wikipedia

  • XML Key Management Specification — XKMS (XML Key Management Specification) est une spécification de validation et d enregistrement de clé publique utilisable de façon conjointe au signature XML et proposée notamment par Microsoft et Verisign au W3C. Sommaire 1 Objectifs 2… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Direct Client-to-Client — (DCC) is an IRC related sub protocol enabling peers to interconnect using an IRC server for handshaking in order to exchange files or perform non relayed chats. Once established, a typical DCC session runs independently from the IRC server.… …   Wikipedia

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